This author checked up Wikipedia and many other internet sources to get a clear meaning of the word, ENLIGHTENMENT today, but he failed; what he got was only, as per the modern academy trend, many interpretations and historical meanings of the word, but not a final, conclusive meaning of the word, ENLIGHTENMENT!
Today, what lacks our knowledge system was evident. We have only different versions of scholars today for any concept, not any clear, conclusive explanation./meaning. Purpose of the academy research might be met by this standard/practice, but a genuine seeker of knowledge will be just bewildered. What exactly is meant by terms like enlightenment, consciousness etc, beyond these multiple versions/speculations?
This doesn't mean that multiple opinions on any subject is an evil trend. But can having a genuine curiosity for a clear meaning of any term, an evil practice? We better remember, languages were originated upon a social or collective agreement on a particular sound, or a word form for a particular object/idea. What if that very purpose of language is lost for the sake of academic practice of listing the history of different speculations? What should be ultimately maintained; academic practice as above or the chief purpose of languages to have distinct/clear meaning for a word?
It is indeed a difficult question. Should human knowledge remain a jungle of multiple speculations/history of the subject/idea? Yesterday, this author happened to see a Tweet wherein the Tweeter listed the different versions of the meaning of 'consciousness' that run in the knowledge market these days.
Following was its link:
Following was the above referred Tweet:
Like choosing a political party or opinion these days, one can choose a particular meaning and be a follower of it. Will this trend help humankind's knowledge pursuits?
This is author's attempt to fix a right and sensible meaning for the word, ENLIGHTENMENT. This exercise might also include understanding the true predilection of existence too, or the true nature of God, or the force behind existence and life.
This author has already explained elsewhere with many evidences that the stand of Science, that there is not any such predilection to existence as it is a dump and mute,physical whole has no sense. Following is his explanation:
Meaning as per European history and philosophy
Enlightenment thinkers believed they could help create better societies and better people'.But it was a perfect idea if West could strictly implement /maintain those enlightenment era spirit thought out the future world. On this account, we have thoroughly failed. None of the idea originated during those blessed period is alive today, as explained in the following paper:
So, it is final; there is no SPIRITUAL or religious element of the word ENLIGHTENMENT as far as Europe is concerned today. For Europe, it refers only to a certain period in her history today.
Christian and Islamist traditions
Today, what lacks our knowledge system was evident. We have only different versions of scholars today for any concept, not any clear, conclusive explanation./meaning. Purpose of the academy research might be met by this standard/practice, but a genuine seeker of knowledge will be just bewildered. What exactly is meant by terms like enlightenment, consciousness etc, beyond these multiple versions/speculations?
This doesn't mean that multiple opinions on any subject is an evil trend. But can having a genuine curiosity for a clear meaning of any term, an evil practice? We better remember, languages were originated upon a social or collective agreement on a particular sound, or a word form for a particular object/idea. What if that very purpose of language is lost for the sake of academic practice of listing the history of different speculations? What should be ultimately maintained; academic practice as above or the chief purpose of languages to have distinct/clear meaning for a word?
It is indeed a difficult question. Should human knowledge remain a jungle of multiple speculations/history of the subject/idea? Yesterday, this author happened to see a Tweet wherein the Tweeter listed the different versions of the meaning of 'consciousness' that run in the knowledge market these days.
Following was its link:
Following was the above referred Tweet:
Like choosing a political party or opinion these days, one can choose a particular meaning and be a follower of it. Will this trend help humankind's knowledge pursuits?
This is author's attempt to fix a right and sensible meaning for the word, ENLIGHTENMENT. This exercise might also include understanding the true predilection of existence too, or the true nature of God, or the force behind existence and life.
This author has already explained elsewhere with many evidences that the stand of Science, that there is not any such predilection to existence as it is a dump and mute,physical whole has no sense. Following is his explanation:
Meaning as per European history and philosophy
It is understood from internet sources that Europe, or West in general, has only the following meaning:
'The Age of Enlightenment (also known as the Age of Reason or simply the Enlightenment) was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 17th to 19th centuries'.
For Europe, the word 'enlightenment' pertains only to name a certain time period, ie, 17th to 19th century.This period saw the rise of ideas like,' use of reason, the scientific method, and progress.'
So, it is final; there is no SPIRITUAL or religious element of the word ENLIGHTENMENT as far as Europe is concerned today. For Europe, it refers only to a certain period in her history today.
Religious or spiritual meaning of the word ENLIGHTENMENT
Can we conclude that ENLIGHTENMENT has only one meaning, that Europe had fixed for a time period in her history, 17th to 19th centuries, where that region had entertained ideas like Reason, freedom of individual, scientific spirit, progress of mankind etc? Perhaps it is injustice. Enlightenment was long known and attached to a spiritual meaning, where individuals achieve a certain relationship with the metaphysical truths about life and existence. Is there any such traditions attached to such a spiritual or religious meaning of the word?
Christian and Islamist traditions
'Maybe because enlightenment is associated with Eastern religions, it’s not a topic taught in Western Christianity. Perhaps Westerners are uncomfortable exploring the truths of the Christian Enlightenment because of the uncertainty of the idea'
It is clear; enlightenment was never a christian idea. So, English being a Western language, she never had a word indicating its spiritual meaning. Enlightenment was always an Eastern religious idea, that in the later periods, English had to adopt it into her language.
Both Christianity and Islam being Abrahamic religions, whatever said above on Christian enlightenment will apply to Islam also. Islam also doesn't have a clear term 'enlightenment' that pertains to any guideline to attaining God knowledge while being in life, or leading lives.
Both Christianity and Islam being Abrahamic religions, whatever said above on Christian enlightenment will apply to Islam also. Islam also doesn't have a clear term 'enlightenment' that pertains to any guideline to attaining God knowledge while being in life, or leading lives.
The Eastern religious traditions
To be frank and realistic, there may not have been any clear idea of 'enlightenment' in the earliest Chinese, Taoist/Daoist traditions. Such ideas originated in the East, only with the emergence of Jainism and Buddhism, if you keep away the Hindu traditions from the East for time being.
In the Eastern tradition, Buddhism and Jainism had their respective, distinct explanations as to what is enlightenment.
Jainism believes, attainment of 'enlightenment' means 'deliverance' from the bondage of the cycle of death and rebirths. We know, these traditions generally believe in many births, or 'reincarnation'.
Buddhism also has a similar meaning; the very English word 'enlightenment' is said to have originated as a direct translation of the word 'bodhi; that means wisdom, 'awakened intellect' etc. In Buddhism, one who has attained this stage of 'bodhi' is known as 'Buddha'.In other words, 'budha' means the 'awakened'. So,enlightenment' simply means 'awakening', or the 'enlightened', one who achieved the state of being 'awakened'.
Hinduism perhaps has the most direct meaning of the word 'enlightenment'. It denotes 'moksha' or 'mukti', meaning LIBERATION from the 'samsara', or the worldly matters. Like in Jainism, it also denotes a permanent deliverance from the cycle of deaths and rebirths.(reincarnations)
As we observe, all the Eastern religious traditions mean by 'enlightenment' that it is an escape from the routine life and its various ups and downs. One who attained 'enlightenment' is no more in ordinary, routine life. It is a state above the routines of life.
In the Eastern tradition, Buddhism and Jainism had their respective, distinct explanations as to what is enlightenment.
Jainism believes, attainment of 'enlightenment' means 'deliverance' from the bondage of the cycle of death and rebirths. We know, these traditions generally believe in many births, or 'reincarnation'.
Buddhism also has a similar meaning; the very English word 'enlightenment' is said to have originated as a direct translation of the word 'bodhi; that means wisdom, 'awakened intellect' etc. In Buddhism, one who has attained this stage of 'bodhi' is known as 'Buddha'.In other words, 'budha' means the 'awakened'. So,enlightenment' simply means 'awakening', or the 'enlightened', one who achieved the state of being 'awakened'.
Hinduism perhaps has the most direct meaning of the word 'enlightenment'. It denotes 'moksha' or 'mukti', meaning LIBERATION from the 'samsara', or the worldly matters. Like in Jainism, it also denotes a permanent deliverance from the cycle of deaths and rebirths.(reincarnations)
As we observe, all the Eastern religious traditions mean by 'enlightenment' that it is an escape from the routine life and its various ups and downs. One who attained 'enlightenment' is no more in ordinary, routine life. It is a state above the routines of life.
The big question here is, can't one be fully in life and lead it, while being enlightened'? Can't a sensible ENLIGHTENMENT idea helps mankind to have a theory of 'how ought to lead good, moral, personal, socio-political life'?
Is life so negative and vicious a routine that 'enlightenment' or 'awakening' is an exercise of freeing oneself from it? We saw that while Christian and Islamist traditions have no concept of leading 'enlightened' lives, (both advocate devotees to love and worship God and lead sin-free lives) the Eastern traditions use 'enlightenment' for freeing oneself from life and attainment of DELIVERANCE while they are very much in life. Matters of life are worldly, so undesirable. Enlightenment denotes abstinence from everything typically related to life. Are such notions right and healthy? If life was ugly and earthy/worldly, could God/nature/existence have schemed it ?
It simply means, such concepts were totally wrong. Approaches of religions as well science towards life so far was fallacious, wrongly placed and erroneous, as explained in link:
Are we treating LIFE the wrong way? What was life intended for? Why we all are here in life? Very,very serious question! Is our philosophy and science has this question as their major subject matter? NO. Clearly NO.
It simply means, such concepts were totally wrong. Approaches of religions as well science towards life so far was fallacious, wrongly placed and erroneous, as explained in link:
Are we treating LIFE the wrong way? What was life intended for? Why we all are here in life? Very,very serious question! Is our philosophy and science has this question as their major subject matter? NO. Clearly NO.
Can Enlightenment have a new meaning?
What if humankind look at LIFE very seriously and decides it as our science's sole goal to understand what is it, as explained in the above given link:
Here science gets a new goal, a new meaning and a new realm to explore. It can't be now mere ardent followers of physicalism notions, the view that it has the sole responsibility of treating existence as PHYSICAL and look for physical theories that explain life's localized events. New task will certainly enhance her realm and responsibilities much more.
If her obsession for physicalism been abandoned and she looks at LIFE and existence with a new angle as prescribed at link:, life will get a new meaning and sense.
Instead of the lessons now students learn in class rooms about the base beliefs of science, what if they learn that existence is a miraculous phenomenon, and mankind is yet to understand it fully? Won't it create a sense of wonder in students? This new sense of wonder itself can create a new ENLIGHTENMENT that could change the very course of future human history. It could trigger new research areas. It could produce more sensible philosophy papers.
It could create a new socio-political philosophy as to HOW OUGHT TO LIVE, as hinted in the study:
Can't ENLIGHTENMENT be a new spirituality, a new science, a new moral way, and a new approach towards life and existence?
Can't ENLIGHTENMENT be a new spirituality, a new science, a new moral way, and a new approach towards life and existence?
What if mankind simply re-look at the way she look at life and existence from religious point of view and scientific point of view, both parties freeing themselves from their base DOGMAS?
We have seen in the paper (provided at the link above: already cited few times above, that both religions and science look at life and existence with own hard dogmas, treating existence, perhaps the wrong way. Why we can't have a new meaning for ENLIGHTENMENT, that prescribes a particular new way to look at life and existence?
We clearly know that if we change our way of looking at our life and existence, it can naturally alter our thoughts, behavior and social systems. Will appeal to all open minds of the world to carefully read the paper presented above ( and assess its sensibility. It has two chief themes; altering the image of God from its existing religious way, and altering the way science looks at cosmos, life and existence in her PHYSICALIST way.
What if those who could do it are called 'enlightened', as they have now got a new spirituality, a new science, and a new personal and social moral system? A new self respect will bless those who could realize the content of the above paper. That new self respect is adequate for them to respect, or simply 'value' their fellow humans in life. That new 'valuing' of own life and that of others, is adequate for the world to naturally evolve a new social,economic and political system to live more sensible lives.
Internet sources will then add this new meaning to ENLIGHTENMENT in their pages.
Authored by: Abraham J. Palakudy
He is an independent researcher in subjects like mind,metaphysics, enlightenment, world, self, and democracy.
He tweets by the name; Voice of philosophy@jopan1
His other blogs are at link:
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